High School students learn about nursing careers
Friday, March 28, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

More than 90 high school students filled the halls, classrooms and labs in McPherson Hall Thursday for the Irene Bradley School of Nursing’s annual Nurse Career Day. Coordinator Judy Coltharp said the event was a learning experience both for the high school students and the 70 PSU nursing seniors who ran the event.
“Nursing Career Day gives our students an opportunity to demonstrate some of the things they have learned, but more importantly, it allows them to practice their leadership and teaching skills.”
The high school students rotated among stations at which they learned about and practiced some nursing skills. Those included starting an IV; giving an injection; how to take blood pressure, temperature and pulse; and giving CPR.
Coltharp said the large turnout for the day reflected not only a heightened interest in nursing as a career, but also the growing reputation of the school of nursing and its programs.
“We had students leave at 4:30 in the morning from Tonganoxie (Kan.) to get here,” Coltharp said. “Others drove nearly as far. Initially, we planned to cap enrollment at 70, but we had so many who wanted to come that we expanded it to 90.”
Below: PSU Nursing Student Zachary Lovell demonstrates CPR technique for (L-R) Emily Scheild, Angela Faherty and Sarah Ahart of Tonganoxie High School.