PSU hosts Science Day Thursday
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Organizers say they expect more than 700 high school students from Kansas and Missouri to participate in Pittsburg State University’s annual Science Day on Thursday, Feb. 27.
The event begins at 8:45 a.m. in the Crimson and Gold Ballroom of the Overman Student Center with opening remarks by PSU President Steve Scott. Students will compete in chemistry, physics, Earth and space science, and biology.
In addition to written exams, students work in teams on a variety of hands-on tests of both their scientific knowledge and their creativity. In the paper tower competition, students are challenged to build the tallest tower possible using only a sheet of paper and some paper clips. For the mousetrap car competition, they must build a car powered by a mousetrap and race it against other competitors’ cars.
PSU organizers said events like Science Day reinforce the message to young students that science can be fun, interesting and practical. It’s a message American education officials hope resonate as they try to boost science, math, technology and engineering programs across the nation.
Science Day concludes around 2 or 2:30 P.M. with the Biology Bowl team competition.
For more information, contact the PSU Department of Biology at 620-235-4732.