Business prof receives Distinguished Educator Award
Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Pittsburg State Professor of Management Donald Baack has been selected as the 2014 Distinguished Educator by the Southwest Academy of Management (SWAM). He will receive the award in early March during the organization’s annual convention in Dallas, Texas.
“I am
honored to receive this recognition,” Baack said. “It’s nice to
have your work acknowledged by your peers from other
Baack has taught at Pitt State since 1988 and was recently re-appointed to the rank of University Professor, a title he will hold for seven years. Baack holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Dana College, an MBA from Southwest Missouri State University and a doctor of philosophy degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska.
The criteria used to select the winner of the Distinguished Educator Award include distinction in service to the profession, teaching, and scholarship, the three primary academic areas emphasized by SWAM.
Stephen V. Horner, SWAM president, said the award signifies Baack’s “singular and unique contribution as a longtime supporter of SWAM” and cited his roles in the development of the annual meeting program and leadership roles.
Baack served as president of the SWAM in 1996 and more recently has been a faculty member for the organization’s doctoral consortium program for graduate students and young faculty at five conferences during the past decade.
Earlier, he developed and coordinated the consortium for two conventions.
Professor Baack’s teaching has been recognized on several occasions, including nominations for Pittburg State’s Golden Apple Award. He received the Kelce College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award in 2006.
Baack has written or co-written 16 books, nine of which are textbooks in the areas of management, marketing, international business, healthcare, and business communication. These works have been translated into four additional languages and are available in more than 30 countries.
His academic efforts include more than 100 publications in journals and at various conferences. These writings have been cited by other professors in more than 150 academic journal articles.
When combined with book citations, Baack’s works have been noted in nearly 400 journal articles and in numerous other books. On five occasions his contributions have been selected to receive “Best Paper” citations at academic conferences. He serves as consulting editor for the Journal of Managerial Issues on the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
These activities have resulted in appearances in a variety of newspaper and magazine articles, including mentions in the Washington Post, USA Today Online, Best Life, Men’s Health, and a Reuters News Service Story. He has also been quoted or featured in more than 50 Internet articles prepared by newspapers and other organizations for their web sites.