Honors College sets community service work day
Monday, October 14, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Students in the Pittsburg State University Honors College say they appreciate the support they receive from the Pittsburg community and express that gratitude, they have scheduled a community service work day on Saturday, Oct. 26.
"The community of Pittsburg has never been shy in showing unwavering support for all aspects of our university,” said Ann Hutchison, a senior from Altoona, Kan., and president of the group. “We want to do something to give back to the community that has done so much for our university."
For this work day, the students have targeted the southwest quadrant of the city, west of Broadway and south of 4th Street. Residents in the area who would like help with yard work and chores should e-mail Hutchison at ahutchison@gus.pittstate.edu.