Gorilla Student-Athlete Spotlight: Erica Testa
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Your support of the Pitt State Athletic Fund has a direct impact on Pitt State’s student-athletes and their coaches. Each individual has their own story about how they got to Pitt State and how your support has made an impact on them here at PSU.
Erica Testa, Women’s Cross Country/Track &
Junction City, KS | Major: Early/Late Childhood
Erica Testa is entering her fourth year in the Pittsburg State Cross Country/Track & Field program. As a veteran leader for the Gorillas, Erica has high expectations for herself and her team this year. Erica is also a member of the MIAA Academic Honor Roll with a 3.87 overall GPA.
How long have you been running
I've been running track since the second grade. That's when I
started on a summer team in my hometown. I started running cross
country when I got to high school.
At what age did you start running
Since I was on the summer team in Junction City, my first
competition was when I was 7.
What are some of your goals during your senior
During my senior season I want to do whatever it takes to get
another team Conference Championship and to qualify for Nationals.
Individually, I would like to place All-Conference and
All-Regional. A super high goal for me is All-American... But I
like to focus on the team goals.
What are some challenges regarding practices/meets and
school? How do you manage to overcome those
The biggest challenge is just getting all of the homework and
studying done. Luckily I love both running and Elementary Education
so it is pretty easy to stay motivated. Getting my assignments done
the same day they are assigned helps me stay on top of things.
What is the average day like for you during the
An average day for me is waking up at 5:50 for morning practice,
going home to shower and being at class by 7:45 (this semester I'm
student teaching). Squeeze in lunch somewhere in there around
12:30. Go to afternoon practice at 3:30 and then go home to eat
dinner and shower at 6:30 or whenever we get done doing abs, ice
baths and stretching. After dinner it is time to do class work and
get in bed at 10:00 at the latest! I always try to get my 8 hours
of sleep to stay healthy.
What are your future plans after competing at
After this semester of school and running I am planning on moving
somewhere far from here to spread my wings and just have a good
time being young while I can. I'm hoping to get a teaching job in
Washington because that's where my best friend is moving. We want
to go see a different area of the U.S. together. Running wise I
want to try to qualify and run in the Boston Marathon with my
brother next year.
Cross Country/Track & Field is practically a
year-round sport, has it been difficult doing your student
teaching/practicum while in season?
Since running in college is, in fact, a year round sport (we get
less than 3 weeks off a year) it has definitely been a challenge
balancing my hours of practicum with practice and meets. I love
planning ahead and having as much time as possible, so I just try
to get my hours early in the semester to be done with them before
conference championships start.
Do you have any part time jobs as well?
I had a part time job last year. I coached gymnastics at the YMCA
each night for a few hours and on the weekends when I could. As
much as I loved it, I have to admit I think it was a bit much to do
coaching, school/practicums and running. I was always tired and
stressed which didn't hurt my school, but it probably hurt my
running a little bit. In the long run though, I learned a lot about
time management and how to work with elementary aged kids in a
place outside of the classroom.
What are some of your strengths/weaknesses when it comes to
My biggest weaknesses when it comes to meets is getting too nervous
the night before. When it comes to Conference and Regionals I get
so nervous I just cry. It is not good! But I have learned to
transfer my nerves to help me in the race and run for my team
rather than worry too much about myself. Also, the mental part of
running is super hard. To be at your maximum for 20 minutes or so
is not only tough physically, but mentally as well.
My strength during races is surging in the middle when the other girls are slowing down. This is when I really start to gain ground and make my move before the final part of the race.
Do you have any particular pump-up songs while
I don't have any particular pump up songs. I love country, so I
usually just listen to it or Mumford and Sons before the race to
try and relax me some.
Who has been your biggest inspiration?
Anyone that knows me knows that my brother is my biggest
inspiration. He came to Pitt State and has been running his whole
life; I have loved following in his footsteps. I think it is so
cool when people are like, "Oh, are you related to Tim Testa?!” I
feel so proud to say yes and I would definitely not be who I am or
where I am without him as my mentor.
What is your favorite part about being a
My absolute favorite thing about being a Gorilla is the fact that
my teammates are more like my family than anything else. I can
count on them no matter what and the bond that I have made with
each of them will last so much longer than when I graduate in
December. Everyone says that college is where you find your closest
friends and I totally agree. I don't know what I would do without