Technology faculty help remodel KSDE board room
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

For public institutions in Kansas, it’s always nice when state leaders in Topeka recognize talents and accomplishments. Later this week, one particular group in the state’s capital will receive a constant reminder of the skills represented at Pittsburg State University.
Two members of the Pitt State College of Technology faculty are finishing construction of a curved desk that will be installed in a conference room at the Kansas State Department of Education. The piece, built by wood technology faculty members Doug Hague and Charlie Phillips, will be transported to Topeka this Thursday morning.
Phillips said state education officials wanted the desk setup to resemble that at the Kansas Board of Regents offices.
“We were approached by the Kansas State Department of Education and asked to build this desk apparatus for one of their remodeled conference rooms,” Phillips said. “They had seen what the Board of Regents uses, and they wanted something like that. We’re one of the few programs in the nation with a wood technology program with an architectural specialty. We’re very proud of that, and I think the folks in Topeka realized that quality of product we could produce for them.”
The desk, which will accommodate 13 people, is made of quarter-paneled walnut and zebra wood, which Phillips described as an “exotic material.” It will feature a wooden cutout of the state of Kansas in the center.
“We thought having the state of Kansas right in the middle would be a nice touch, and it allows us to show off even more of what we’re capable of,” Phillips said. “We take great pride in being asked to do this, and we wanted to be top-notch with it. We want the state education officials to be proud to sit at this desk during their meetings.”
Along with the new desk, Hague and Phillips also built and installed new cabinetry for board room and wall panels in which flat-panel televisions will be installed.
The project was funded by a grant from the state of Kansas.