PSU sets record fall enrollment
Friday, September 27, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Fall enrollment at Pittsburg State University is 7,400 students, an all-time record, according to figures released today by the Kansas Board of Regents. Across the system, overall enrollment decreased 2,504 students or 1.33 percent. Emporia State and PSU had the highest percentage increases, 2.8 and 1.5 percent respectively.
Community college enrollment was down 3.8 percent while technical college enrollment jumped 7.9 percent, according to the report.
While the record headcount at Pittsburg State is cause for celebration, there are lots of other numbers in the fall enrollment report that have PSU officials smiling.
“The growth we’ve seen this fall is across the board,” said Bill Ivy, associate vice president of enrollment management and student success. “Undergraduate, graduate and international enrollments are all up. It is a healthy, broad-based growth. We’re also very pleased about a significant improvement in first-to-second-year retention. That shows our efforts to support freshmen are paying dividends.”
Overall, there are 111 more students enrolled at PSU this fall compared to fall 2012. Specifically, undergraduate enrollment is up 70 and graduate enrollment is up 41. International enrollment jumped 7.2 percent to 464. Undergraduate enrollment through the university’s Gorilla Advantage Program for students in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas is up 3.7 percent while graduate enrollment in the same program is up 29 percent.
This fall, 79 students are enrolled through the Gorilla Edge, a program designed for students from Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri who do not live in the Gorilla Advantage counties in those states.
Together, the Gorilla Advantage and Gorilla Edge programs account for almost 23 percent of the total enrollment at PSU.
“These innovative tuition programs are allowing us to attract highly qualified students from areas outside of the immediate region,” said Ivy. “Students in these regions now have a choice, and more of them are choosing to become Gorillas.”
Today’s announcement continues the university’s historic trend of student growth. In fact, since 2002 Pittsburg State has enjoyed a 9.6% increase in enrollment.
“There are many factors that affect enrollment,” said PSU President Steve Scott. “It begins with strong academic programs in areas that appeal to students and hold the promise of rewarding careers. Beyond that, students are looking for a campus community that is welcoming and supportive. We work every day to make sure that is the case. And students are looking for value. They want and expect high quality academic programs at a price they can afford. Pittsburg State offers students all of those things and more.”