Homecoming tradition continues
Monday, September 30, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Pittsburg State University will continue a nearly century-old tradition Sept. 30-Oct. 5 when it celebrates Homecoming.
According to “Pittsburg State University: A Photographic History of the First 100 Years,” by Randy Roberts and Shannon Phillips, the homecoming tradition began in the university’s early years as reunions associated with teachers’ meetings each fall. By the ‘20s, fraternities and sororities were hosting reunions and by the ‘30s, it was an important and permanent part of the campus culture.
A series of events are planned for Homecoming Week, leading up to the football game at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, vs. Abilene Christian University. Major events include the announcement of the Homecoming King and Queen at a noon convocation in Carnie Smith Stadium on Wednesday, Oct. 2; the Yell Like Hell competition at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3; and the Homecoming Parade at 9 a.m. on Saturday.
The Homecoming Parade draws thousands to downtown Pittsburg and includes high school bands, cars for dignitaries and Homecoming royalty, and elaborately decorated floats.
After the parade, the focus shifts to Gorilla Village, east of the stadium, for GorillaFest with live music and a variety of food vendors.
Student groups compete for points at activities throughout the week. The Sweepstakes awards will be announced at noon on Saturday at the Gazebo in Gorilla Village.
Officials in the Intercollegiate Athletics Office have reminded fans to get their tickets early and not wait until game day if they wish to be guaranteed a seat or even a place to stand.
Homecoming Schedule
Monday, September 30th
7 p.m. - King and Queen Presentation Night, Crimson & Gold Ballroom, Overman Student Center. Includes announcement of the top 12 candidates (top 6 men & top 6 women)
Tuesday, October 1st
10 a.m. - Polls open through the online GUS for voting for the Homecoming King & Queen. Voting is open to all PSU students.
4 p.m. - Spirit Art, Overman Student Center
7 p.m. - Gorilla Games, Weede Parking Lot
Wednesday, October 2nd
10 a.m. - Polls close and online voting for King and Queen stops
Noon - Convocation and coronation of Homecoming King and Queen, Carnie Smith Stadium
Thursday, October 3rd
7 p.m. - Yell Like Hell Pep Rally, Carnie Smith Stadium
Lambda Sigma Canned Food Drive, Carnie Smith Stadium. Collections will be taken at the NW Gate.
Friday, October 4th
4:30 p.m. - Public reception for Outstanding Alumni Award recipients, Wilkinson Alumni Center.
Saturday, October 5th
9 a.m. - Parade, Downtown Pittsburg
11 a.m. – 1 p.m., GorillaFest, Gorilla Village
Noon - Homecoming Awards Ceremony, Gorilla Village gazebo – Awarding of Homecoming Plaques and Sweeps Trophy
For more information, call 620-235-4795.