Fraternity earns high honor for second straight year
Friday, August 30, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

For the second year in a row, a Pittsburg State University fraternity has garnered a prestigious honor.
The Zeta Iota chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity at Pitt State has been awarded the Peterson Significant Chapter Award, the highest honor an undergraduate chapter can receive. Named for 38th Grand Consul J. Dwight Peterson, the award recognizes excellent performance by chapters in all major areas of operation and programming. The Peterson award is traditionally a symbol of dedication, idealism and achievement.
This is the second consecutive year that the Zeta Iota chapter at Pitt State has earned the award.
“We are very proud to receive the Peterson Award for the second straight year,” said Dan West, chapter president. “Our members take great pride in living up to the standards that our fraternity has put in place, and this award is a major showcase of our success.”
There is no minimum or maximum number of chapters that may win the award in any given year, according to the Sigma Chi website. Award criteria are assigned on an objective scale and encompass the entire gamut of chapter activities, from financial stability and recruitment to chapter and member reputation.