PSU receives first KBOR data award
Friday, July 12, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

To keep abreast of what’s happening at the state’s colleges and universities, the Kansas Board of Regents relies on a variety of data submissions from each institution. It’s a lot of information, ranging from enrollment and completions to demographics and campus trends.
All higher education institutions must do it, but some do it better than others. This year, for the first time, the KBOR is formally recognizing those who thrive in the data reporting department.
Pittsburg State University is one of two Kansas post-secondary institutions to receive the inaugural Data Quality Award from the KBOR. The award recognizes institutions for excellence in data quality.
Kansas City Kansas Community College also received the award this year.
Cindy Farrier, the KBOR’s director of data, research and planning, said the award was created to reward those institutions to who consistently excel in their data reporting.
“Many institutions do a super job, but we feel we selected the two institutions that really excelled,” Farrier said.
Dr. Lynette Olson, PSU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, said the university staff that handles data reporting deserves the credit for this award.
"We are called on regularly to provide data on a variety of issues from enrollment, retention and degree completion, to student financial assistance,” Olson said. “It is important that we meet reporting requirements at state, regional and national levels and do so accurately and in a timely manner. I am proud that the Kansas Board of Regents staff has recognized the good work of our staff as they take care to provide these data upon which important decisions are made."
After scouring over the records of data submissions for each KBOR institution, Farrier said they discovered that PSU has a perfect record for timely data submissions and only one “data problem.” She also cited the positive, “can do” attitude of the PSU staff as a reason the university was chosen for the award.
“PSU won because of individual and team dedication, without any knowledge of competition, and for multiple years of data records,” Farrier said.
Farrier said PSU will not be eligible for the award next year, as no institution can win two years in a row. She said the KBOR will ask PSU President Steve Scott to appoint someone from PSU to serve on the selection committee for 2014.
“While Pitt State cannot win again next year, it’s important to remember that no institution will ever be first again,” she said. “Pittsburg State should be very proud of that.”