Casting institute draws professionals from around the world
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Thirty investment casting professionals from around the world are at Pittsburg State University this week for the annual Investment Casting Institute certification course.
The course, in its 13th year at PSU, is conducted at the Kansas Technology Center and is hosted by Russ Rosmait, PSU faculty member and director of the Investment Casting Training Center. The course gives industry professionals a chance to hone their skills in investment casting techniques and processes.
“Some of what we discuss is a refresher for many of the students, and some of it is brand new methods that are available because of new technology,” Rosmait said. “The professionals come from all over because they want to be the best they can be and stay on top of advancements in their field.”
Lewis Reid, of Supreme Steel in New Zealand, said he signed up for the course as part of his company’s focus on growth.
“In this facility, we get to go through the entire investment casting process,” Reid said. “We get to see and learn how it should be done. That’s a wonderful opportunity for us to have, and we get to have it in a world-class facility.”
Jenny Schmitz, of Mercury Marine in Oshkosh, Wis., said she enjoys meeting and networking with other industry professionals.
“This course is extremely valuable because it’s so hands-on,” she said. “You get to actually do the things you’re taught. It really is learning by doing, and to be among peers in the industry is a wonderful bonus. It’s nice to bounce ideas off one another and learn about what others are doing.”
Scott Mosher, of NALCO in Minneapolis, Minn., is in his 8th year as a course instructor. He said the KTC is the premier site for this type of class.
“This is the only educational institution in the world that I know of that has the complete process application in the labs,” Mosher said. “A lot of actual foundries will have these capabilities, but it’s rare to find a training facility where the entire investment casting process can be done. This building is a gem in our industry and in many others. We can teach everything the professionals need to know in a student-safe environment.”
For more information on the course and ICI, visit