Enactus team named 2nd runner up at nationals
Thursday, May 23, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

The Pittsburg State University Enactus team was named second runner up in its division Wednesday evening during the 2013 Nationals Competition in Kansas City.
"We are extremely proud of the students," Suzanne Hurt, Enactus student adviser, said. "They put a tremendous amount of work into their projects this year. They put their hearts into their projects. This is a remarkable group of PSU students."
The team also earned two
other accolades during the expo.
During the opening ceremonies, the PSU team was recognized as the second-place winner in the Walmart Women’s Economic Empowerment Project Partnership contest and as the third-place winner in the Sam’s Club “Step Up For Small Business” competition.
The PSU team received the Women’s Economic Empowerment award for its community employment initiative. The second-place award included a $4,000 prize.
The team earned third-place in the “Step Up” competition for its work with the Grace House Event Center in Galena. That award carried a $3,000 prize.
All told, they left Kansas City with $7,750 in
grant money.