Students compete in Math Relays
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Students lined hallways and huddled in corners across the PSU campus Tuesday. They crammed from mathematics textbooks and scribbled on test sheets as for the 45th time, the university’s Math Relays got underway.
“My favorite part of the day is the opening in John Lance Arena,” said Math Department Chairman Tim Flood. “I love to see the variety of the kids and see their enthusiasm.”
Terry Ann Martin, a member of the Math Department faculty, coordinates the event. She said students compete in a wide range of events designed to test their math knowledge. Categories include graphing, algebraic equations and inequalities, analytic geometry, trigonometry, number theory, probability and statistics, and computational math.
“Math can be hard,” Flood said, “These are the best math students in their schools and they get to come here and test themselves against the best math students from schools throughout the region.”
The top 10 competitors in each of the contest's categories have their names listed in Yates Hall and the top three in each receive medals. The top performers are invited back to campus for Math Honor Day later in the year.