Survey helps guide student experience
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Pittsburg State University students have a unique opportunity to shape the future of the university through an annual survey of freshmen and seniors.
The National Survey of Student Engagement is underway, and the results could have a significant impact on the students’ college experience at PSU.
“This survey gives the students a real chance to guide the university and to re-shape the experience they have here at PSU,” Patricia Lindley, director of assessment, said. “This gives them an opportunity to give usable information to faculty, which could lead to improvements in courses and programs.”
Conducted annually with freshmen and seniors at universities and colleges across the country, NSSE aims to gain information about how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
The survey covers topics such as academic challenge, learning with peers, experiences with faculty, campus environment and participation in high impact educational practices.
Institutions use their data to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom that can be improved through changes in policies and practices more consistent with good practices in undergraduate education.
“What we’re looking for from the NSSE is data on our students’ learning experiences,” Lindley said. “We’re asking students to evaluate the quality of their education at PSU and also the quality of their relationships with faculty, other students and university personnel. This is a way for us to measure their satisfaction with the experience they receive at PSU.”
The survey was e-mailed last month to freshmen and seniors. It takes about 20 minutes to complete, but the results, Lindley said, last much longer.
“This is a small investment of our students’ time for good information that could have an impact on PSU for many years to come,” she said.
For more information on NSSE, visit