Iowa State chorus Cantamus to perform
Friday, March 8, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Cantamus, the premiere women’s ensemble at Iowa State University, will give a free performance at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, at Pittsburg’s First United Methodist Church, at 5th and Pine streets.
Susan Marchant, director of Pittsburg State University choirs, said the university was fortunate to catch the choir on their way to Dallas for a performance at the national convention of the American Choral Directors Association.
“Because their program is of the usual length for conventions,” Marchant said, “their director has also invited the PSU choirs to share a bit of music with the audience that evening.”
Cantamus’ program for the evening includes: “Alleluia, Cantate Domino,” by Ko Matsushita; “Cedit Hyems,” by Abbie Betinis; “Hear My Prayer,” by Tobin Stokes; “Makedonska Humoreska,” by Todor Skalovski; “To Music,” by Eric Barnum; “Gloria Kajoniensis,” by Levente Gyongyosi; and “Keep On Singing,” by Simon Wawer.
The Iowa State ensemble is under the direction of Kathleen Rodde, and the PSU ensembles are under the direction of Susan Marchant.