History student honored for civic contributions
Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

A Pittsburg State University student is one of seven in Kansas being honored this year for their leadership and problem-solving ambitions.
Boyd, a senior history major from Afton, Okla., is one of just 181
students nationwide to receive the 2013 Newman Civic Fellows award
from Campus Contact. This honor recognizes students who have
demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges
within their communities.
Boyd, who hopes to work as a museum curator after graduation, was recognized for his work at two area museums. He has assisted in planning, operations and fundraising for the Dobson Museum in Miami, Okla., and most recently at the Miners Hall Museum in Franklin. He was nominated for the award by PSU President Steve Scott.
“I was shocked to learn of this award, to be honest,” Boyd said. “I wasn’t expecting it at all. I certainly didn’t see it coming.”
Boyd said he is proud to represent PSU on the list of this year’s recipients.
“It’s a great honor for me to represent Pittsburg State,” he said. “This is a wonderful honor for me personally, but it means even more that Pittsburg State University is recognized on the list of recipients.”
President Scott praised Boyd for his “commitment to preserving the history of the region.”
“This came about after a recent meeting with the executive director of the Kansas Campus Compact here on campus,” Scott said. “As this person described the Newman Civic Fellows Award, it immediately became apparent to me that Jordan was the perfect candidate for such recognition.
“There is no doubt we have many students who have affected their communities in positive ways,” he said, “but it's clear that with Jordan's volunteer work in area museums and his commitment to preserving the history of the region, his contributions are unique and extraordinary.”
Boyd, who works as a student employee in the PSU Financial Assistance office, is also a candidate for PSU Student Employee of the Year. Earlier this year, he earned a Golden Gorilla, a student honor given on Apple Day to recognize students who have made exemplary contributions in community service, academic excellence and campus involvement.
Newman Civic Fellows awards are made in memory of Frank Newman, who dedicated his life to creating systemic change through education reform.
Campus Compact is a national coalition of almost 1,200 college and university presidents, representing about 6 million students, who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education.
More information about the award and the organization can be found at www.compact.org.
The seven Kansas students who received a Newman Civic Fellows award are:
* Ross Allen, Kansas State University
* Jordan Boyd, Pittsburg State University
* Emma Flynn, Hutchinson Community College
* Renata Herrmann, Butler Community College
* Sally McGuire, Southwestern College
* Kelly Nuckolls, Fort Hays State University
* Alexandra Rose, University of Kansas