Poets celebrate Kansas
Tuesday, February 5, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

More than 16 poets from across Kansas will come together on Thursday, Feb. 7, at Pittsburg State University to read from the poetry collection “To the Stars Through Difficulties: A Kansas Renga in 150 Voices.” The reading, at 8 p.m. in Room 409 of Russ Hall, will include several local writers who have contributed to the collection.
Among the readers will be Kansas Poet Laureate Caryn Mirriam-Goldbert, who edited the collection.
“In our poetic conversation, we celebrate Kansas and make community with each other and with readers,” Mirriam-Goldbert said.
Local authors scheduled to read include Laura Lee Washburn, Lori Baker Martin, Roland Sodowsky, J.T. Knoll, Larry Fleury, A. Lorean Hartness, Jeremy Johnson, Allison Berry, Melissa Fite Johnson, Stephen E. Meats, Chris Anderson, and Olive Sullivan, as well as such other Kansas authors as Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg herself, Lydia Lowe, Lorraine Achey, and Ken Lassman.
The reading is sponsored by the PSU Distinguished Visiting Writers Series, the PSU English Department, and the PSU Student Fee Council. For more information, call the English Department at 620-235-4689.