Career Day rescheduled
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Pittsburg State University’s Office of Career Services has decided not to take any chances with the winter storm headed our way and has rescheduled Thursday’s Spring Career Day for Wednesday, March 13.
“It was disappointing, but the best course of action,” said Mindy Cloninger, director of Career Services. “We had employers coming from New Jersey, California, Texas, Michigan and places in between, so even if the weather here turns out to be not all that bad, they would have had to travel through places where it could be treacherous.”
Cloninger said rescheduling the event was especially disappointing because they had nearly 90 employers wanting to meet PSU students. It was a record number.
“We were prepared to expand Career Day into areas of the student center we hadn’t used before,” Cloninger said.
Cloninger said Career Services was fortunate to find a date so near on which the student center was available.
“We know employers are eager to meet our students and we are hopeful the new date works into their schedules,” Cloninger said.