GIT student in running for $50,000 racing sponsorship
Friday, January 18, 2013 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

A Pittsburg State senior is in the running for a sponsorship that will help keep alive his dream of racing motocross ATVs.
Alec Gaut, a commercial graphics major from Coffeyville, has entered a Champion-brand-sponsored competition for a chance to win one of 15 $5,000 sponsorships or the grand prize $50,000 sponsorship.
Voting is taking place online, and the first round of voting ends Feb. 3. To view and vote for Gaut’s video entry, visit
Gaut, 23, has been racing motocross ATVs since he was 13 years old. He said he became interested in the sport after watching his cousin race.
“It kind of became a family thing,” Gaut said. “My uncle has a practice track in Independence, so we go out there a lot.”
Racing in the Texoma Quadracing Association, Gaut has competed in various events in Texas and Oklahoma, including an ESPN 2-sponsored race in Stillwater, Okla. He received an Honorable Mention in last year’s Champion sponsorship competition.
“I like the travelling, the sense of freedom, the adrenaline rush,” Gaut said. “I like the feel of being out there on the track, where the only thing that matters is competing.”
Gaut has utilized the education he’s receiving at PSU to help in his racing endeavors.
“I’ve learned so much about graphics and design at Pitt State, and I’ve used that to make T-shirts and other items that are associated with my racing,” he said.
He said the skills he’s attained at PSU will help him pursue his dream of working in the racing industry after graduation.
“I definitely want to be tied into the motorsports industry,” he said. “Whether it be in graphics or even video production, I want to use the education I’ve received at PSU to work in the racing industry.”