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Rebecca Butler


Ph.D., Physics, Ohio State University, Ohio, U.S.A., 2002

M.S., Physics, Ohio State University, Ohio, U.S.A., 1998

B.S., Physics, Kansas State University, Kansas, U.S.A., 1996

B.S., Mathematics, Kansas State University, Kansas, U.S.A., 1996

Professional Experience

2010 - Present, Associate Professor of Physics, Pittsburg State University
2005 - 2010, Assistant Professor of Physics, Pittsburg State University
2002 - 2005, Cal-Tech Post-Doctoral Researcher at JPL

Courses Taught

PHYS 101 College Physics II
PHYS 160 Physical Geology
PHYS 165 Physical Geology Laboratory
PHYS 591 Physics Project
PHYS 101 College Physics II
PHYS 516 Modern Physics I
PHYS 530 Intermediate Physics Lab
PHYS 630 Advanced Physics Lab

Areas of Interest

My research is laboratory molecular spectroscopy, both microwave (rotational) and infrared (vibrational). I analyze molecules of both astrophysical and atmospheric interest, usually in collaboration with the Microwave Group at Ohio State University.

Spectrum of Chlorine Nitrate


Rebecca Butler
Dr. Rebecca Butler
University Professor

Phone: (620) 235-6191

Office: 303 Yates Hall

E-mail Rebecca Butler