Ananda Jayawardhana | Pittsburg State University
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Ananda Jayawardhana


Ph.D., Statistics, University of Missouri-Rolla, Missouri, U.S.A., 1998

MA., Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A., 1993

B.Sc., Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1982

B.Sc., General Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1980

Other Training in Recent Years

  • Graduated from the Rotary District 6110 Leadership Academy May 2023
  • A short course on “Machine Learning Foundations: A Hands-on Introduction,” May 2023
  • A short course on “Navigating Tough Conversations in Statistical Collaboration,” October 2022.

Recognition For Teaching

  • College of Arts and Science Excellence in Teaching Award 2005
  • Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2005
  • Yearly Performance Appraisal: Received “Exceptional” rank during the last 17 years except for the year 2007 when Dr. Jayawardhana did not apply for the “Exceptional” rank due to a sabbatical leave taken during that year.  Rank of Meritorious was awarded for 2007.  

Recognition For Service

  • American Statistical Association, The Council of Chapters Governing Board, Chapter Service Recognition Award 2012
  • State of Kansas, Conference of the American Association of University Professors, Sound Governance Award, 2012

Current Offices Held

  •  Assistant Governor of Rotary District 6110, 2021-2024.
  • Member of the DEI Team and Rotarians Against Slavery, District 6110
  • Chapter representative Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society 2023-
  • Member faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2022-2024
  • Faculty Advisor: PSU Actuarial Society, August 2000- present
  • Casualty Actuarial Society Academic Liaison for PSU, 2006- present
  • Member: Kansas Board of Regents Tilford Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism, Planning Committee 2007- present
    Usher coordinator at commencement ceremonies 2002-present 

Past Offices Held

  • Member, Meet and Confer- Finance Sub Committee of PSU/KNEA 2022-23
  • Co-Chair, Faculty and Staff campaign, Pittsburg State University 2020-21
  • National Past President, Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society 2020-2023
  • National President, Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society 2017-2020
  • Vice-Chair of the ASA Committee on Archives and Historical Materials 2019-2020 
  • Chair- Council of Chapters Governing Board of the American Statistical Association 2016
  • Vice President, Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society 2014-2016
  • Co-Chair Kansas Board of Regents Tilford Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism, Planning Committee 2015-2016
  • Member KBOR Diversity Study Group 2015-2016
  • President, Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary Club June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015
  • Member PSU/KNEA Bargaining Unit 2012-2015
  • Member, Graduate Council, PSU 2010-2015, 2020-21
  • Webinar Coordinator, Quality of Productivity Section of the ASA 2012-2014
  • Editor of the Statistics Education Web (STEW) 2011-2014
  • Member, Council for Discovery and Research 2013-2014, 2020-2022
  • Treasurer of the Tilford Group, 2010-2015
  • Faculty Advisor, Indian Student Association, 2011-2015
  • President, Pittsburg State University/Kansas National Educators Association Bargaining Unit 2012-13
  • Member of the Faculty Bargaining Team 2012-2015
  • Member of the PSU Critical Thinking Task Force 2012-2014
  • Member PSU Diversity Council 2012-13
  • First chair of the Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society Chapter of the Kansas-Western Missouri 2012-2014
  • President of the Faculty Senate of Pittsburg State University 2009-2010 and a member of numerous committees representing the Faculty Senate
  • Secretary/Treasurer of the Council of Chapters Governing Board of the American Statistical Association, 2007- 2012
  • Chapter Rep. Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of the American Statistical Association, 2009- 2012
  • Secretary of the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents of the Kansas Regents System 2009-2010
  • Co-Organizer and Co-Chair: Symposium on Innovations in Design, Analysis, and Dissemination: Frontiers in Biostatistics help on April 2-3, 2009
  • Member of the Pittsburg State University Presidential Search Committee 2008-2009
  • Member of the Program Evaluation Committee, College of Arts and Science 2008-2009
  • Member: Pittsburg State University Service Award Committee, 2008-2009
  • Founder Chair: Pittsburg State University Tilford Group on Diversity 2007-2008
  • Second Vice President PSU/KNEA 2006-2007 
  • Member: Academic Affairs Committee 2006-2007
  • Member: Budget Committee 2006-2008
  • Member: Learning Resources Subcommittee 2005-2007
  • Member: Faculty Senate Executive Committee 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2019-2020, 2022-24
  • Member: Faculty Affairs Committee 2005-2009, and 2019-20, chair 2006-2007
  • Member: International Council of the Pittsburg State University, 2004-2007, 2008-2009
  • Member: Athletic Council of the Pittsburg State University, 2005-2007
  • Member: Faculty Senate of the Pittsburg State University, 2005-2009
  • President 2008-2009, Vice President 2007-2008, and Secretary/Treasurer 2004-2007: Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of the American Statistical Association
  • President Elect and President of the MOKAN: Local Affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 respectively
  • Member: Enrollment Management Committee of the Pittsburg State University, 2004-2006
  • Member: Pittsburg State University Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education  Committee, 2004-2007
  • Member: Chair Search Committee 2004
  • Member: Excellence in Teaching Award Committee 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09
  • Session Chair on one of the sessions on Statistical Education, JSM 2008, Denver, CO
  • American Statistical Association Travelling Course Committee 2008-2012

Course Development (Regularly taught courses)

  • Graduate level Regression Analysis course
  • Graduate level Time Series Analysis course
  • Graduate/senior level Probability and Statistics course
  • Junior level Introduction to Applied Statistics course for teacher candidates
  • Junior level Financial Mathematics course

Graduate Level Courses Taught

Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics Based on Ranks, Probability Models, Mathematical Statistics, Survival Analysis, Design of Experiments, Loss Distributions, Credibility Theory, and Actuarial Mathematics

Undergraudate Level Courses Taught

Probability and Statistics, Statistics for Social Sciences, Engineering Statistics, Elementary Statistics, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Elementary Probability and Statistics, Probability and Statistics, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Geometry, Trigonometry, Advanced Calculus, Real Analysis, Elementary Differential Equations, Set Theory, Basic Mathematics for Social Sciences, Fluid Mechanics, Theory of Interest (Financial Mathematics), Intro. To Applied Statistics, and Freshman Experience

Innovative Contributions to the Growth of the Mathematics Department

  • Started the actuarial science program and taught several new courses such as Survival Analysis, Theory of Interest, Actuarial Mathematics, Loss Distributions, and Credibility theory
  • Started helping students find summer internships in insurance companies by taking them to job fairs
  • Started an Actuarial Achievement Award with the funds from the Allstate Insurance company
  • Started a statistics poster competition for Missouri and Kansas in the local area of southeast Kansas and southwest Missouri

Memberships in Professional Organizations

  • American Statistical Association
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society       
  • Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Honorary Society
  • Kansas Academy of Science
  • Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (Life member)

Research Interests

  • Mental health statistics
  • Reliability and accelerated life testing
  • Statistics education
  • Bayesian statistics


  • S. Carlson, A. A. Jayawardhana, and D. Miniel (2024), “They Don’t Read Very Well: A Study of the Reading Comprehension Skills of University English Majors” submitted to The CEA Critic, John Hopkins University Press.  
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2019), “A Bayesian Approach to the Measurement Error Problem in Regression,” American Statistical Association 2019 Proceedings of the Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts, pp 2095- 2104.
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2018), “Teaching Bayesian Statistics in Undergraduate Classes,” American Statistical Association 2018 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp2710-2718.
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2017), “Bayesian Inference of Accelerated Life Tests with Lognormal Distribution and Inverse Power Law Model,” American Statistical Association 2017 Proceedings of the Quality and Productivity Section, pp 1291-1296.
  • Diane K. Boyle, Ananda Jayawardhana, Mary E. Burman, Nancy E. Dunton, Vincent S. Staggs, Sandra Bergquist-Beringer, S, and Byron J. Gajewski, (2016) “ A Pressure ulcer and fall rate quality composite index for acute care units: A measure development study,” International Journal of Nursing Studies, 63, pp 73-81.  
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2016), “Flipping an Introduction to Applied Statistics Course for Mathematics Teacher Candidates,” American Statistical Association 2016 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp 987-991. 
  • A. A. Jayawardhana and V. A. Samaranayake (2015) “Lower Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life testing for the Weibull Distributions” American Statistical Association 2015 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, Section on Quality and Productivity, pp1509-1516.
  • A. A. Jayawardhana and V. A. Samaranayake (2014) “Predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Life Testing for Lognormal Life Distributions” American Statistical Association 2014 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, Section on Quality and Productivity, pp2324-2338.
  • Corpstein, C., Arruda, J., Ford, C, and Jayawardhana, A. A. (2014) “Comparison of the Fort Scott National Historic Site Restored Tallgrass Prairie and a Native Tallgrass Prairie Remnant in Southeastern Kansas,” Great Plain Research, Vol. 24, No.1, pp79-99. 
  • A. A. Jayawardhana and Yang Song (2013) “Lower Prediction and Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing for the Rayleigh Distribution” American Statistical Association 2013 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, Section on Quality and Productivity, pp2835-2849.
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2013) “Do Normal Probability Plots Tell the 'Truth' When Sample Sizes Are Small?” American Statistical Association 2012 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, Section on Statistical Education, pp2691-2703.
  • Ananda Jayawardhana, (2012) “What Does a Normal Distribution Sound Like?”  Published in Statistics Education Web,
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2011) “Developing a New Course: Introducing Applied Statistics to Math Majors” American Statistical Association 2011 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp 3808-3813.   
  • A. A. Jayawardhana (2010), “Writing to Learn in Upper-Level Statistics Courses,” American Statistical Association 2010 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp 4295-4302.   
    Jayawardhana, A. A. (2009), “Weibull Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing with Two Stress Factors of Acceleration, American Statistical Association 2008 Proceedings of the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, pp 2888-2894
  • Brooker, N., Lord, J. R., Long, J, & Jayawardhana, A. A. (2008), “AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Charcoal Rot Fungal Populations Impacted by Crop Rotations,” Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., Ghent University, 2008…
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. (2008), “Writing Assignments in Elementary Statistics Classes,” American Statistical Association 2007 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp 2260-2263.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. and Woodburn, C. (2006), "Writing to Learn in Elementary Statistics," American Statistical Association 2005 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, pp 2253-2257.
  • Pintar, A. and Jayawardhana, A. A. (2006),"A Simulation Study to Test the Accuracy of Using Maximum Likelihood Predictive Density in Quality Control Assuming the Power Rule Model and the Exponential Distribution," American Statistical Association 2005, Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity, pp 1848-1853.
  • Chambers, D. K., Arruda, J. A., and Jayawardhana, A. A. (2005), "A synoptic water quality survey of the Spring River and its tributaries," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. 108, No. 1/2, pp 47-56.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. and Samaranayake, V. A. (2004), "Obtaining Prediction Bounds for a Weibull Life Distribution using Multi-Level Accelerated Life Tests: Corrigenda and Addenda," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulations, Vol.74 No. 12, December 2004, pp 915-920
  • Jayawardhana, A.A. and Samaranayake, V. A. (2004), "Prediction Intervals for the Weibull Distribution, Inter Stat, November 2004.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. and Samaranayake, V. A. (2004), "Exponential Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing with Multiple Stress Factors," American Statistical Association 2003, Proceedings of the JSM conference, Section on Quality and Productivity, pp 2004-2011.
  • Jayawardhana, A.A. and Samaranayake, V.A. (2003), "Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing: Weibull Models with the Inverse Power Relationship," Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 35, No. 1, January 2003, pp 89-103.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. and Samaranayake, V. A. (2002), "Obtaining Prediction Bounds for a Weibull Life Distributions Using Multi-Level Accelerated Life Tests," American Statistical Association 2002, Proceedings of the JSM conference, Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, pp 1632-1638.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. and Samaranayake, V. A.  (1998), "Predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Life Testing," American Statistical Association 1998 Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity, 1998, pp 26-31.
  • Jayawardhana, A. A. (1998), "Predictive Density Estimation in Life Testing," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO
  • Richard R. Bryant, Ananda Jayawardhana, V. A. Samaranayake, and Allen Wilhite "The Impact of Alcohol and Drug Use on Employment: A Labor Market Study Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth," University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper- 1996 DP 1092-96

Papers Presented at Major Conferences

  • 04/22 -Jayawardhana, A. and Johnson, K (2022) “Nursing Students' Attitudes Towards Covid-19 Immunizations,” poster at IDAD Symposium, Kansas City.
  • 08/21-Jayawardhana, A and Philips, L (2021), “Attitudes Toward Statistics Among Elementary Statistics Students,” via Zoom
  • 04/21-Jayawardhana, J, Johnson, K, and Jayawardhana, A (2021) “Attitudes Towards the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences to Nursing Staff in Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas,” IDAD Symposium, Kansas City.
  • 08/2020-A.A. Jayawardhana (2020), “Bayesian Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing: Weibull Model with Two or More Levels of Acceleration,” Joint Statistical Meeting via Zoom. 
  • 08/2019- A. A. Jayawardhana (2019), “A Bayesian Approach to the Measurement Error Problem in Regression,” Denver, CO.
  • 08/2018-A. A. Jayawardhana (2018), “Teaching Bayesian Statistics in Undergraduate Classes,” Joint Statistical Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • 08/2017- A. A. Jayawardhana (2017), “Bayesian Inference of Accelerated Life Tests with Lognormal Distribution and Inverse Power Law Model,” 2017 Joint Statistical Meting, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • 08/2016-A. A. Jayawardhana (2016), “Flipping an Introduction to Applied Statistics Course for Mathematics Teacher Candidates,” 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2016.  
  • 08/2015- A. A. Jayawardhana and V. A. Samaranayake (2015) “Lower Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life testing for the Weibull Distributions” Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA
  • 08/2014- A. A. Jayawardhana and V. A. Samaranayake “Predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Life Testing for Lognormal Life Distributions” Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA
  • 08/2013- A. A. Jayawardhana and Yang Song “Lower Prediction and Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing for the Rayleigh Distribution” Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Montreal, Canada
  • 08/2012- A. A. Jayawardhana “Do Normal Probability Plots Tell the 'Truth' When Sample Sizes Are Small?” Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), San Diego, CA
  • 08/2011- A. A. Jayawardhana “Developing a New Course: Introducing Applied Statistics to Math Majors,” Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Miami, FL
  • 08/2010-A. A. Jayawardhana “Writing to Learn in Upper-Level Statistics Courses,” Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Vancouver, BC
  • 08/2009—A.A. Jayawardhana and V.A. Samaranayake “Lower Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing: Weibull Model with Inverse Power Relationship, JSM, Washington, DC
  • 08/2008-- A.A. Jayawardhana "Weibull Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing with Two Stress Factors," JSM, Denver, Colorado
  • 08/2007-- A.A. Jayawardhana, "Writing Assignments in Elementary Statistics," JSM, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • 08/2005-- A.A. Jayawardhana and C. Woodburn, "Writing to Learn in Elementary Statistics," JSM, Minneapolis, MN
  • 08/2005-- Adam Pintar and A.A. Jayawardhana, "A Simulation Study to Test the Accuracy of Using Maximum Likelihood Predictive Density in Quality Control Assuming the Power Rule Model and the Exponential Distribution," JSM, Minneapolis, MN.
  • 08/2003-- A.A. Jayawardhana and V.A. Samaranayake, "Exponential Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing with Multiple Stress Factors," JSM, San Francisco, CA
  • 08/2002-- A.A. Jayawardhana and V.A. Samaranayake, "Obtaining Prediction Bounds for a Weibull Life Distribution using Multi-level Accelerated Life Tests," JSM, New York, NY
  • 08/1998-- A.A. Jayawardhana and V.A. Samaranayake, "Predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Life Testing," ASA Q&P Section, JSM, Dallas, TX
  • 08/1996-- A.A. Jayawardhana and V.A. Samaranayake, "Prediction Interval for the Weibull Random Variables," JSM, Chicago, IL


  • Rotary District 6110 grant for a Human Trafficking Conference, $3000
  • PSU Teaching Innovation Grant, summer 2015, $5,885.23
  • PSU Teaching Enhancement Grant, summer 2011, $6,000
  • “Chemical Modification and Evaluation of Modified Plant Compounds for Seed Treatment Protection Against Soil Borne Diseases of Soybeans.”  The grant was in the amount of $35,000 for 2006-2007. Principal investigator: Dr. Nancy Brooker, Department of Biology, PSU. 
  • "Chemical Modification and Evaluation of Modified Plant Compounds for Seed Treatment Protection Against Soil Borne Diseases of Soybeans".  The grant was in the amount of $35,700 for 2007-2008.  Principal investigator: Dr. Nancy Brooker, Department of Biology, PSU.
  • “Field Testing Coumarin Derivatives As Seed Protectants Against Soil-Borne Diseases”. The grant was in the amount of $37,000 for 2007-2008. Principle investigator Dr. Jayawardhana.

Graduate Students (MS in Mathematics)

  • Laurs Philips (2021), Paper Title: Students Attitude Towards Mathematics  
  • Robert N. Custer, Jr. (2020), Paper Title: Bayesian Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing Weibull Model with Inverse Power Law Relationship (Works for Epic Systems in Wisconsin)
  • Georgette Searan (2919), Paper Title: The Effect of Additive Measurement Errors in Logistic Regression (Works for the Federal Government)
  • Zack Bowan (2018), Paper Title: A Bayesian Approach to Measurement-Error Problem in Linear Regression. (Instructor)
  • Zhiwen Wang (2014), Paper Title: Lower Prediction Limits in Accelerated Life Testing Using Maximum Likelihood Predictive Density Method and Rayleigh Distribution. (PhD in Biostatistics student at University of Kansas Medical Center)
  • Yang Song (2012), Paper Title: Rayleigh Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing (Works for Harvard Clinical Research Institute)
  • Wes Masoner (2011), Paper Title: Understanding Sabermetrics – Baseball Statistics
  • Taewon Kim (2010), Paper Title: Time Series Analysis of Airline Passenger Data (Currently an actuary)
  • Brad Smith (2010), Paper Title: Statistical Power of a Test (Enrolled in University of Nebraska statistics PhD program)
  • Karalyn Lenox (2010), Paper Title: Lesson Plans for Introducing SAS to New Student Programmers (Works for the federal government and a MS student at KUMC)
  • Dusty Peterson (2009), Paper Title: Derivatives and Option Pricing Using the Binomial Model and the Monte Carlo Simulation (Currently an actuary and a Fellow)
  • Ningning Wang (2007), Paper Title: Accelerated Test Models and Prediction Bounds in Accelerated Life for the Weibull Models and Three Levels of Acceleration (Received a PhD in statistics from Oklahoma State University)
  •  Sun Wook Kim (2007), Paper Title: Use of Maximum Likelihood Predictive Density in Accelerated Life Testing Assuming a Weibull Distribution (Received a PhD in statistics from University of Missouri-Columbia)
  • Olga Vsevolozhskaya (2006), Paper Title: Credibility Theory: A Bayesian Approach (Received a PhD in statistics from University of Montana)
  • Loren Karleskint (2006), Paper Title: Credibility Theory (Currently a practicing Actuary and an Associate of the Society of Actuaries)
  • Adam Pintar (2004), Paper Title: Accelerated Life Testing Assuming Exponential Distribution (Received a PhD in statistics from Iowa State University)
  • Desmond Andrews (2003), Paper Title: Parameter Estimation of a Multivariate Exponential Distribution: A Study of the Marshal-Olkin Common Shock Model (Currently a practicing Actuary and a Fellow)
  • Neal Myron Smith (2003), Paper Title: Life Tables in Survival Analysis (Retired teacher)
  • Hung-Chih Ku (2002), Paper Title: Nearest Neighbor Analysis-Papadakis Method (Received a PhD in statistics from Oklahoma State University)
  • Yi-Ling Lin (2001), Paper Title: Nonparametric Statistical Tests for Location (Currently a lecturer at a University in Taiwan) 

Past Graduate Theses Committees (MS & DNP)

  • Piper Elizabeth Parres, Nursing (DNP 2023)
  • Merissa Barnabe, Nursing (DNP 2022)
  • Jiawei Xu, MS in Biology (2022)
  • Michael Barnes (2019)
  • James Daniel, Biology (2019)
  • Briana LaForge, Nursing (DNP 2019)
  • Natalia Schneider, MS in Biology (2017)
  • Jacob Heil, MS in Biology (2016)
  • Kim Nguyen, MS in Nursing (2012)
  • Craig Corpstein, MS in Biology (2012)
  • Satheeshprasad Bandaru MS in Chemistry (2012)
  • Manohar Aele, MS in Chemistry 2011
  • Eric Row, MS in Biology (May 2011). 
  • Muhammad Akram, MS in Chemistry (2010)
  • Anastasia Beezley, MS in Nursing (2010).
  • Ryan Lord (2006), MS in Biology
  • Kate Walker (2006), MS in Biology
  • Carla Fairbanks (2004), MS in Biology
  • Josh Collins (2003), MS in Biology
  • Angie J. Stefanoni (2002), MS in Biology
  • Lance E. Lagerstrom (2001), MS in Nurse Anesthesia, KUMC
  • Karen L. Sapp (2001), MS in Nurse Anesthesia, KUMC
  • Scott C. Gadberry (2000), MS in Nurse Anesthesia, KUMC
  • Kirk E. Lott (2000), MS in Nurse Anesthesia, KUMC

Employment History

  • August 2018: University Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, service on campus and in professional organizations, and statistical consulting
  • January 2016-May 2016: Sabbatical Fellow, University of Kansas Medical Center, Biostatistics Department
  • August 2011-2018: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS.
  • August 2007-December: Visiting Associate Professor, University of Missouri Rolla (on sabbatical leave)
  • August  2004-2011: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburg State University Pittsburg, Kansas.
  • August 1999-2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas.
  • January 1999-August 1999: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics.
  • January 1994-December 1998: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate courses.
  • Summer 1996: Summer Intern, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, New Jersey.
    • Duties: C++ programming and research on generalized p-values.
  • Summer 1995:  Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri.
    • Duties: SAS programming for econometric analysis.
  • August 1991-Decenber 1993: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate courses.
  • January 1991-August 1991: Research Assistant, School of Nursing, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri.
    • Duties: SAS programming and helping faculty and graduate students to analyze data.
  • Summer 1991: Research Assistant, Ellis-Fischel Cancer Hospital, Columbia, Missouri.
    • Duties: SAS programming and helping to analyze data. 
  • January 1983-December 1989: Tenure Track Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and School of Dentistry, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
    • Duties: Administration of the system of libraries and reading rooms. Reported to the Dean of the Library (Librarian) and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.  Helped the early efforts to established separate libraries for the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and School of Dentistry.
  • January 1983-December 1989: Part Time Instructor, Sarananda University College, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate mathematics and statistics and chairing the mathematical sciences department.
  • August 1980-December 1982: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
    • Duties: Teaching undergraduate mathematics courses. 

Computer Proficiency

  • Languages - FORTRAN, C++, Visual Basic, R
  • Statistical and Mathematical Software - SAS, R, MINITAB, WinBUGS
  • Extensive experience in SAS programming

Community Service

  • Participate in most of the service activities as a member of the Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary Club
  • Serves at the Lord's Diner


Ananda Jayawardhana
Dr. Ananda Jayawardhana
Error Looking Up Department, please check spelling.

Phone: (620) 235-4414

Office: 208 Yates Hall

E-mail Ananda Jayawardhana