Below is a list of the available points for co-curricular events. Students must have 60 points and submit reflective essays in Canvas for each event in order to complete the co-curricular component
5 pts - Attending events with an international focus
10 pts - Being a performer or presenter at an event with an international focus
5 pts - Being a member of an internationally-focused club
10 pts - Being an officer of an internationally-focused club
5 pts - Participation in a single activity in an internationally-focused club
5 pts - Participation in a single activity
15 pts - Half a semester commitment to a volunteer organization
30 pts - Full semester commitment to a volunteer organization (i.e. Pitt Pals)
10 pts - Attending a language table at PSU three to nine times
20 pts - Attending a language table at PSU ten or more times
If you attend an internationally-focused event off campus, please email to ask if it can count toward this component.
Language Tables:
Spend a lunch hour speaking Spanish or French in the Gorilla Crossing. For more information on the dates and location of the language tables, contact the English And Modern Languages department, at 620-235-4689.
Language Clubs:
There are French and Spanish language clubs here at PSU. For more information, contact the English And Modern Languages department.
Pitt Pals:
A program to assist new international students with their transition to PSU and Pittsburg by pairing them with a domestic student. This is an opportunity to learn about other languages & cultures. For more information contact Brenda Hawkins in International Programs & Services or visit the Pitt Pals page!
Conversation partners:
Become a conversation partner with one of PSU's intensive English students who are at PSU to learn English. For more information contact IEP (Intensive English Program) Whitesitt 120, 620-235-4680
Get involved in an internationally focused student club
Student organizations such as the Chinese Culture Club, the Korean Student Association, the Indian Student Association, and the International Student Association welcome members of any nationality interested in learning more about their cultures and participating in their activities. SGA (Student Government Association) keeps a current list of organizations.
International Events:
There are numerous international events every semester hosted by different international organizations or the International Programs and Services Office, for exact dates watch the university calendar or our Facebook page.
International Education Week:
There will be events during a week in November which is International Education Week celebrated all over the U.S. Look for events on the University calendar.
Other IKE events:
If you are enrolled in IKE check the calendar in Canvas or check the university calendar for internationally-focused events. Also, if you find an internationally-focused event outside of PSU you are welcome to submit an essay through Canvas for approval for IKE credit.