Friendship Family Program | Pittsburg State University
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Friendship Family Program

Founded in the 1960's, International Friends of Pittsburg (IFP) is an autonomous community-based organization comprised of volunteers from Pittsburg and the surrounding area. IFP sponsors the only official Friendship Family Program for Pittsburg State University international students. The IFP Board works in conjunction with the Office of International Programs and Services.

What is a Friendship Family?

Friendship families volunteer to provide friendship and hospitality to international students and assist them in adjusting to life in a new, unfamiliar culture.

This is not a live-in host family program and the friendship family is not responsible for financial support. Anyone can be a friendship family: individuals, couples, families with children, and people in any stage of life. No special skills are required, just an interest in learning about other cultures, sharing your own culture, and showing hospitality.

Fill out the form below to sign up to be in a friendship family, or be the friendship family yourselves!

Friendship Family Interest Form!

What do Friendship Families do?

IFP suggests that friendship families meet with their students at least once a month in activities such as meeting for coffee or dinner, inviting them to local concerts, plays and sporting events, short trips to local attractions, and inviting your student to family celebrations. This is a semester long commitment, though hopefully the friendship will continue throughout the student's stay in Pittsburg and, in some cases, for a lifetime.

How to get involved?

IFP hosts a Meet & Greet at the start of the Fall and Spring semesters for friendship families and students to meet and get acquainted. In addition, IFP hosts a welcome dinner for all new international students the week before classes begin in the Fall and Spring. IFP volunteers participate in the annual Food and Culture Fair hosted by the International Student Association, as well as, take part in other activities throughout the year.

IFP Facebook