Former students who paused their education may request free audit for possible associate degree 

Anyone who paused their college education recently or years ago may contact Pittsburg State University to determine if they have already earned their Associate of Arts degree under a new initiative offered by the university. 

Last spring, Pitt State became the first university in Kansas to award the Associate of Arts degree automatically as it is earned while a student works toward completing their bachelor's degree. 

Now, the university will begin auditing upon request the transcripts of past students who did not graduate to determine if they completed enough credits to have earned one. 

Studies have shown that those with a two-year degree have higher earning potential, better job security, and greater advancement opportunities.  

A recent analysis found that by 2030, Kansas is projected to add 54,000 new jobs requiring a college degree. It's projected there will be three times more jobs for those with an associate degree than those without.  

“If something caused you to put your college education on pause before the finish line, having an associate degree will ensure you receive credit for your investment of time and treasure,” said President Dan Shipp. 

Shipp encouraged students who paused their college educations to also set their sights on their next goal — their bachelor’s degrees — and consider the number of remaining credits it will take to get there.  

"That’s also something we can help you with,” he said. “You may be closer than you think!” 

Requesting an audit is free and can be done by completing a simple form at 

Audits will happen in groups three times per year, at the conclusion of each fall, spring, and summer semester. Former students who were found to have earned an AA will receive notification of their degree in January, June, or August, depending on when they request the audit.  

Those who have earned 30 hours from a Kansas community college should call the Registrar at 620-235-4200 to discuss options.

Request an audit now: