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Student holding plastic Thank a Gorilla sign

Thank a Gorilla (T.A.G.)

In an effort to recognize the donors of Pittsburg State University, the Advancement Ambassadors student leadership group created the Thank-A-Gorilla (T.A.G.) event in 2013. Throughout a week during the spring semester, students “tag” items on campus that have been provided to the University through the generosity of alumni and friends.

Look for T.A.G.s at these locations and remember to Thank A Gorilla for giving to Pittsburg State!

Bryant Health Center - by the healer statue
Senior Walk - in front of Russ

Baxter Broadcasting Center (KRPS) - When the University’s radio station, KRPS, was established in 1988, it received much of its initial funding in the form of grants. The PSU Foundation, using funds given by Frances Baxter, provided the additional monies needed to begin operations. The Baxter Broadcasting Center, located in Shirk Hall, houses the KRPS radio station and is named in honor of Frances Baxter. 

Benelli Memorial Clock – The clock was given in memory of Martin J. “Bud” Benelli, Sr. and dedicated on October 26, 2002 in Willard Plaza.

Brooker Memorial Sundial – The sundial was given in memory of Dr. George Ray Brooker, designed by Robert Blunk, Jr. and dedicated on March 14, 2000 at the Kansas Technology Center’s North Entrance.

Cadence – The sculpture was designed by Jon Havener and was dedicated in the Spring of 2000 in Willard Plaza.

Carnie Smith Stadium and Brandenburg Field - The facility was completed in two years and was dedicated and turned over to the state on Armistice Day, November 11, 1924. To show appreciation for the president’s cooperation, the backers asked that the new facility be named after President Brandenburg. After major renovations to the stadium and field in 1986, the facilities were rededicated as the Carnie Smith Stadium and William A. Brandenburg Field.

Centennial Mural - Designed by Mark Switlik, the mural was completed in 2004 and can be found in Willard Plaza.

Ernatt Sculptures - “Secure the Blessings of Liberty” and “Peace and Tranquility” were designed by Constance Ann Ernatt. Dedicated May 31, 2004 at Veteran’s Memorial Amphitheater.

Gansu Horse – The sculpture was donated by Huo Baozhu and dedicated on May 16, 2003 at the University Lake.

Gene Bicknell Sports Complex - Opened in time for the 1995 baseball season. This facility includes baseball and softball fields, and space for intramural activities. These sites were named in honor of Gene Bicknell’s service and contributions to the University.

John F. Lance Arena - In 1985, the University’s gymnasium was rededicated as the John F. Lance Arena. The arena is located in the Garfield W. Weede Building that was completed in 1971.

Kansas Technology Center - Dedicated on October 24, 1997. It is the largest building on the PSU campus at 286,000 square feet. Construction of the KTC cost $27.7 million. During the dedication, two wings of the building were dedicated as the City of Pittsburg Technology Building and the Gene Bicknell Tech Building. On May 31, 2004, a third wing was dedicated as the Senator Robert J. Dole Technology Building. The following September, a fourth wing was dedicated as the Governor Bill Graves Technology Building. A fifth wing was dedicated as the Governor Joan Finney Technology Building in April 2005. 

Leonard Axe Library - Completed in 1979, replacing Porter Library that was constructed in 1927. The new library incorporated the first E. Louise Gibson Dining Hall. During a special ceremony in 1981, the library was rededicated as the Leonard H. Axe Library.

Night Song - The sculpture designed by Joe Beeler and dedicated on October 11, 2001 at Cleveland Plaza.

Prentice Gudgen Track - In 1989, the University’ track, located around Brandenburg Field, was renovated at a cost of $300,000. It was originally built as a cinder track in the 1920’s. The track was rededicated in September 1989 as the Prentice Gudgen Track, in honor of his service and contributions to the University.

Students Life - The sculpture was designed by Tom Corbin and dedicated on April 22, 2005 at the Kansas Technology Center Courtyard.

W. “Bill” Hollenbeck Flag Memorial – The memorial was dedicated in August of 1997 and is located outside of the Kansas Technology Center. It includes three flags, benches, and a bronze memorial plaque.