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Foundation Update

Celebrating Our Champions

We have much to celebrate from this past fiscal year. We received $11.4M in cash and in-kind contributions. We are moving forward on major projects such as Gorilla Rising, which includes a new home for the Kelce College of Business. We've made an incredible positive impact on our students through the creation of the Great Gorilla Scholarship program, and we made great progress in the growth of the Silverback Scholarship Fund. But as we celebrate these successes, we never forget to pause to celebrate YOU for making this possible and helping us to live our mission of making life better through education.

Our alumni and friends continue to step up by providing annual, endowed, and planned gifts to support the current and future generations of Gorillas. We are committed to maximizing the impact of your gifts through sound fiscal oversight and prudent investment management.  We truly appreciate the confidence you have shown in PSU through the Pittsburg State University Foundation. We hope you take great pride in what we have been able to accomplish together.

We truly believe that behind every Pitt State student is a Pitt State Champion. Thank you for being a Pitt State Champion!

With many thanks and very best wishes,



Asset title

Kathleen M. Flannery
Vice President for University Advancement
Pittsburg State University
PSU Foundation, Inc.

Fiscal Year 2024 endowment report

Fiscal Year 2024

Cash and Gifts-in-Kind Received

in fiscal year 2024



Endowment Total


*These funds are designated by donors to support a specific purpose in perpetuity - not a "rainy day" fund!

Investment Rate of Return 

10-year average



 Scholarships Created 

by the PSU Foundation


Alumni Participation Rate


Total Assets



We continue to solicit gifts with an emphasis on scholarships and annual giving (unrestricted support for the top priorities of Pittsburg State University). For more information about the annual PSU Foundation update or future giving opportunities, please feel free to contact us.