Summer Financial Aid | Pittsburg State University
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Financial Assistance - Summer Session


Applying for 2024-25 Financial Assistance

To apply for 2024-25 Summer financial assistance you must:

  • Have submitted a 2024-2025 FAFSA to PSU.
  • A summer financial aid application is no longer needed.
  • For the Fall 2025/Spring 2026/Summer 2026 you will need the 2025-2026 FAFSA 

Required enrollment for the following programs:

Eligibility for Summer

Hours Pell Grant Direct Loan
Full Time 9 hours 6 hours
3/4 Time 8 - 7 hours
1/2 Time 6 - 5 hours
Less than 1/2 Time 4 -1 hours

Reasons for Ineligibility:

You will not be eligible for a loan if:

  • You have already borrowed the annual maximum loan limits available for the academic year.
  • You have already met the aggregate maximum loan limits available for your degree program.

You must be meeting satisfactory academic progress standards; if credit hours are necessary to meet deficiencies from the fall/spring term, you are not eligible for summer assistance.

Important Information:

  • Financial assistance will only be given for classes that meet between May 13, 2024 and July 26, 2024. If you are only enrolled for part of the term, your financial aid will be prorated based upon your enrollment.
  • Financial aid will disburse on June 3, 2024 for enrollments in May only, May and June, June only, and June and July. If you are enrolled for the May intercession, you will need to come by the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) to ask about a deferment in order to have the intercession fees paid out of your financial assistance for summer. If you are attending May and July, or the July session only, your financial aid will not disburse until July 1, 2024. 
  • Students who received 100% of their Pell Grant for the 2023-2024 academic year may be eligible to receive Additional Pell Grant funds for summer 2024. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) degree applicable credit hours during one or more of the summer sessions to receive these funds. Our office will determine eligibility for Additional Pell Grant funds. All Pell Grant funds received, including Additional Pell funds, will be counted towards the student’s overall 600% lifetime eligibility limits. Federal Pell Grant funds are limited to 12 full-time semesters (roughly six years) eligibility only. You CAN select NOT to accept these funds, but must notify our office to decline them for you.
  • You need to make sure you do not have any University holds on your account.  This will prevent any financial assistance from being disbursed to you.
  • Consortium Agreements will not be accepted for the 2024 Summer term.
  • Since your financial assistance will be based on your 2024 Summer enrollment, you MUST complete all of the classes for which you receive financial aid. If your enrollment changes, you are responsible for notifying the Office of Student Financial Assistance immediately! If you do not notify this office of any changes in your enrollment, you may be required to pay back a portion of funds received and will not be eligible for fall financial aid according to the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • You must VERIFY YOUR ENROLLMENT ON-LINE through GUS before any financial aid will be disbursed. On-line verification for summer will begin May 13, 2024. You need to make sure you do not have any University holds on your account that will prevent verifying your enrollment and/or disbursing your funds.
  • If your classes will be part of a Study Abroad Program, please contact the Study Abroad Coordinator in the Office of International Programs and Services at 620-235-4221 or in 118 Whitesitt Hall.
  • If you have never borrowed a student loan at PSU and are borrowing a loan for the summer, you must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling on-line prior to your student loan being disbursed.