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Monday, March 3rd: Application/petition/registration for graduation opens

Application/petition is required for all students.

Graduation fee is required for anyone receiving a graduate degree.

There will be extra fees associated with overseas mailing of your diploma (graduate and undergraduate students).

All students planning to attend commencement must RSVP and register for guest tickets.

Tickets are required for all guests who will be walking in the Processional with the student.

Monday, March 31st: Deadline for graduation registration - application closes

Students that do not meet the listed deadline will not be included in any printed graduation lists, including the commencement program. No exceptions will be made.

Monday, April 7th: Regalia distribution begins

Students can begin picking up regalia in the bookstore on April 7th, during regular business hours. Students wishing to have regalia shipped can call the bookstore at 620-235-4875 to place an order. The shipping fee will be $8.99. Please do not call to place an order prior to April 7th. Consult the Gown Sizing Chart prior to picking up regalia. 

Undergraduate students who are graduating with the University Scholastic Honors Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Cum Laude are designated by ribbons and medallions worn around the neck. University Scholastic Honors will be listed in the Commencement Program based on coursework completed prior to the graduates final semester.

Undergraduate students who have participated in the Academic Honors Program and who are graduating with Academic Honors are designated by gold cording worn around the neck. 

Graduate students who qualify for the honors distinction will receive a double gold cord with their regalia.

Graduating student athletes interested in being considered for a student athlete graduation stole should direct graduation questions to Kelly Burnley Miller by email at

Students interested in ordering graduation announcements and designing class rings can visit to see available options.

Monday, May 5th: Commencement tickets available for pick up

Tickets will be available for pick up from the Registrar's Office (103 Russ Hall, Monday-Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM) until 1 PM on May 16th, after which time tickets will be available for pick up at check-in in the Plaster Center. (Tickets are not able to be mailed)

The graduating student's name card will be included with the guest tickets. The name card should be with the graduate during the ceremony and will be used for announcing the graduate's name on stage.

Friday, May 16th and Saturday, May 17th: Commencement ceremonies occur

Graduates and their guests should arrive at the Plaster Center no earlier than 30 minutes prior to their assigned ceremony. All graduates and guests will check-in at the Robert W. Plaster Center. Graduates and ticketed guests will start in the Robert W. Plaster Center and then proceed to John Lance Arena. Non-ticketed guests will be directed to the Arena upon check-in.

What to Expect

  • You can invite an unlimited number of guests. Guests will be seated in John Lance Arena, and there will be plenty of space for your family and friends.
  • You can get up-close photos and video. Up to two guests can walk with you right up to the stage, specifically to capture your graduation moments at close range. Bring your most tech-savvy friend or family for this!
  • Your faculty will be there to support you. Faculty from your field of study will line the processional. Stop and take a quick selfie!
  • You'll celebrate graduation with your classmates. After you cross the stage, you'll all gather on the arena floor, your degrees will be conferred, you'll move your tassel, and have a chance to throw your cap (if you want). Then you can take some photos, meet back up with your family, and head out to mark the occasion!

Dates and Times

Friday, May 16, 2025

  • 3:00 p.m. - College of Arts & Sciences (Departments of Biology and Chemistry; Irene Ransom Bradley School of Nursing)
  • 5:00 p.m. - College of Arts & Sciences (Departments of Art, Communication, English and Modern Languages, General Studies, Integrated Studies, Mathematics and Physics, Music; School of History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences)
  • 7:00 p.m. - College of Education

Saturday, May 17, 2025

  • 9:00 a.m. - College of Technology (Schools of Automotive & Engineering Technology and Construction)
  • 11:00 a.m. - College of Technology (School of Technology & Workforce Learning)
  • 1:00 p.m. - Kelce College of Business

Each ceremony includes both undergraduate and graduate degree candidates.

All graduates and guests will check-in at the Robert W. Plaster Center. Graduates and ticketed guests will start in the Robert W. Plaster Center and then proceed to John Lance Arena. Non-ticketed guests will be directed to the Arena upon check-in.

Location: Robert W. Plaster Center/Garfield W. Weede Physical Education Building 1701 S. Homer St. Pittsburg, KS 66762

Additional Information

Maps and Parking

Location: Robert W. Plaster Center/Garfield W. Weede Physical Education Building

1701 S. Homer St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Map of Campus

Map of Commencement Parking

On-campus parking is available north of the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts. No parking permit is needed. Parking is also available at the College of Technology. Parking spots on the far north side of the Bicknell Center lot are reserved for handicap parking.

Your Graduation Day - Agenda

Time Location Description
30 minutes prior to ceremony start time Robert W. Plaster Center Graduate and ticketed guests check in together and proceed to the Plaster Center track. Non-ticketed guests are directed to seating in the Arena.
Start of ceremony Robert W. Plaster Center/John Lance Arena Opening remarks and introduction of Stage Party.
10 minutes into ceremony John Lance Arena Processional to Arena begins - Graduate and ticketed guests walk together to the stage.
15 minutes into ceremony John Lance Arena Graduates and ticketed guests enter the Arena. Graduate's name is read and diploma is received – Graduate is seated in front of stage with other graduates and ticketed guests are seated in bleachers.
30 minutes into ceremony John Lance Arena Congratulatory message from Stage Party and Conferring of Degrees.
45 minutes into ceremony John Lance Arena Ceremony concludes.

Name Cards and Guests

Graduates and their guests should arrive at the Plaster Center no earlier than 30 minutes prior to their assigned ceremony. All graduates and guests will check-in at the Robert W. Plaster Center. Graduates and ticketed guests will start in the Robert W. Plaster Center and then proceed to John Lance Arena. Non-ticketed guests will be directed to the Arena upon check-in.

Graduates will be expected to have their name card (grey card included with tickets) with them when they arrive for check-in.


Properly-worn Regalia is required to participate in Commencement. (GRADUATE DEGREE CANDIDATES ONLY: Graduates will be hooded during the ceremony. You should receive your hood with your cap and gown. You will carry the hood over your right arm and be hooded as you cross the stage.)


The graduates and their ticketed guests joining the Processional will be in constant movement until they have reached the Arena. There is a significant amount of standing/walking. No seating is available to guests in the Processional. It is recommended that guests with mobility concerns observe the ceremony seated comfortably in the Arena.

Faculty Marshals will escort students and ticketed guests to Arena. Ticketed guests will proceed to the stage with their graduate. Before the graduate crosses the stage, ticketed guests will be escorted to a viewing area. Only the graduate will be permitted to cross the stage. Upon leaving the stage, the graduate will be seated in front of the stage and ticketed guests will be seated in bleachers for the remainder of the ceremony.

Non-ticketed guests will be seated in the Arena for observing Commencement and will not participate in the Processional. Childcare is not provided and children are not permitted to cross the stage with the graduate.

Diploma and Programs

Your diploma will be mailed to you within a month of your graduation term, provided all graduation requirements have been met. If you attend commencement, you will be given an empty cover.

Conclusion of Ceremony

Graduates and guests are asked to depart from the Arena shortly after the conclusion of their ceremony so that staff may prepare for the arrival of graduates and guests for the next ceremony.

Ring the Centennial Bell Tower

Graduates are invited to ring the Centennial Bell Tower before or after their ceremony. The Centennial Bell Tower will be open on Friday, May 16th from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m and Saturday, May 17th from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Photos at Commencement

A professional photographer will photograph each graduate three times, including on stage. Full color proofs will be provided directly to the graduate by e-mail. Pictures can be ordered online, by phone, or by mail. There is no obligation to purchase a photograph. The photographer's contact information: GradImages, 3490 Martin Hurst Rd., Tallahassee, FL, 32312, phone 800-261-2576,

You and your family may preregister an email address and mailing address with GradImages and they will contact you or your family just as soon as your photos are available for online viewing and ordering. You may also provide them with email addresses of up to six friends and family members to allow them to celebrate in your accomplishment. Click on the link to preregister

Live Stream Broadcast

PSU will webcast the commencement ceremonies via live stream at to accommodate additional family and friends not able to attend in person. The webcast will start shortly before each ceremony. An archived copy of the ceremonies will be available online at - simply select the video on demand option. Questions should be directed to University Marketing and Communication at 620-235-4122 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Personal Belongings

Please leave personal items at home. Each ceremony will go quickly and there is no place to store personal items. Cell phones should be turned off during the program.

Family and Guest Activities

All guests are welcome and will be seated in the Arena for the ceremony. Graduates may invite up to two guests to participate with them in the Processional from the Plaster Center to the Arena to assist with taking video/photos. Guests must have a ticket to participate in the Processional with the graduate.

Graduates are required to RSVP and order their two guest tickets in advance. Registration and ticket requests must be submitted by Monday, March 31st.

Registration and ticket requests can be submitted beginning on Monday, March 3rd.

Live Stream Broadcast

PSU will webcast the commencement ceremonies via live stream at to accommodate additional family and friends not able to attend in person. The webcast will start shortly before each ceremony. An archived copy of the ceremonies will be available online at - simply select the video on demand option. Questions should be directed to Creative And Strategic Communications at 620-235-6177 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fall Commencement Student Speaker Application Process

Fall Commencement Student Speaker – Application and Selection Process

A student speaker will be selected to address the graduating class at Fall Commencement. The speaker must be a member of the Fall 2024 graduating class. Please note: the student selected must commit to speaking at all three Commencement ceremonies on Friday, December 13th, 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.


Application Process

Students who wish to be consider for this honor must complete the application below.

Commencement Speaker Application

In addition to the completed application, each prospective speaker must also submit a copy of their three-minute proposed speech.

Students may self-nominate or be nominated by a College faculty member.

If selected, the student agrees to give only the submitted speech. The student understands that if they materially deviate from the submitted speech or speak for an extended period beyond the allotted time, the microphone may be muted, they may be escorted from the stage, and they may be subject to disciplinary actions according to applicable policy.



The deadline for submitting applications for the Fall 2024 Commencement ceremonies is Friday, November 15th at 5:00 pm. Please email all completed application materials as a single file to Melinda Roelfs, Registrar –


Selection Process

The President’s Cabinet will select a student from the completed applications. The student selected must commit to speaking at all three Commencement ceremonies. For questions, please contact Melinda Roelfs at 620-235-4205 or

Accommodations for Special Needs

Handicapped Accommodation

Handicapped parking permits may be obtained prior to Commencement from the Registrar's Office, Room 103, Russ Hall. Graduating students in wheelchairs or who need special accommodations at Commencement should contact the Registrar's Office at 620-235-4206. Handicapped parking will be available on the far north lot of the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts.

Handicap seating is available in the Arena for guests.

Safety Preparedness for Commencement Exercises

Your safety is of our utmost importance. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the building and the exits. Should an emergency arise, please listen for announcements to safely direct your actions.

Area Lodging and Restaurants

Looking for a hotel, restaurant, or something to do in the area while you are here? Visit

Visit our local Travel Information Center:
117 West 4th Street
Pittsburg, Kansas 66762

Beyond Graduation

Career Assistance

The Office of Career Development assists alumni who are job seeking. Whether you are updating your resume, preparing for interviews, or searching for job opportunities, the Career Development staff are here for you. The Career Development is located in 202 Horace Mann and is open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm on Monday through Friday. All our services are available to alumni FREE of charge, with the exception of a $50 fee if you choose to utilize the PSU Career Development Online database.


Your diploma will be mailed to you approximately one month after verification that you have met all requirements for your degree.

IT Information

As a student at PSU, you receive access to many IT resources. Upon graduation, or leaving the University, most of those resources will no longer be applicable to you because you will no longer be an "active" PSU student. Click here at for the details on what you will retain access to as well as what resources will be discontinued and when. As always, please contact the Gorilla Geeks if you have questions: Whitesitt Hall.

Gorilla Diploma Mats

The Senior Gift Council has for sale a customized mat designed for framing diplomas, using the Pittsburg State University gorilla logo. It is available unframed or framed. Proceeds from the sales benefit the Senior Gift Program. Make the gorilla diploma mat a part of your graduation celebration and proudly display your diploma. Contact the Office of Development at 620-235-4768 or toll free at 888-448-2778 to place your order.

Or you may choose a customized diploma and certificate frame from Herff Jones - Framing Success. They fund one tree planting for every frame purchased. Trees are planted by Trees for the Future for the benefit of the communities they serve. Order online: and they will ship to your address, or purchase a frame at the PSU Gorilla Bookstore on campus to save the shipping fee.

Staying in Touch

The Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations is the place to keep in touch with PSU, update your contact information, and get involved after you graduate. It is important that we maintain a current address for you. All alumni and friends of PSU are invited to be active participants in all our programming and services. We offer programs such as alumni and service awards, travel, the online community and directory, the Gorilla License Plate program, PSU Visa Card, reunions, homecoming activities, events across the nations, and much more.

Stay connected with PSU by joining us for a Gorilla Gathering alumni event in your area when you get an invitation, find your classmates by using The Jungle online directory, or make sure to call us to keep us updated on your contact information. For more information about any of our programming, please call 877-PSU-ALUM or 620-235-4758, email or visit our website at


As you pursue your career opportunities, we will assist you with providing official Pittsburg State transcripts. Please see our transcript request web page for more details.

Future Commencement Dates

Fall 2025 - TBA

Information for Faculty and Staff

To wish graduates well, Faculty and Staff are encouraged to line the processional route in John Lance Arena during Commencement.

  1. Faculty/staff participating in the processional should enter through the Weede/Plaster Center Breezeway and go directly to 110 Weede to assemble. (Parking will be available in the Plaster Center lot and will NOT require a permit.)
  2. Faculty/staff should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time for Commencement and should expect to be lined up approximately 5 minutes prior to the ceremony.
  3. Faculty and staff will line both sides of the processional in the arena to congratulate graduates as they make their way to the stage. Faculty and staff will need to remain in the processional until the last graduate has exited the stage. Faculty and staff will then be seated for the remainder of the ceremony.
  4. Faculty/staff participating in the processional are required to wear regalia. For those who do not have regalia, the Registrar's Office does have a small quantity of basic regalia that can be loaned out.