Mary Wachter | Pittsburg State University
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Mary Wachter


Mary K. Wachter is a full-time Instructional Professor of Management and Marketing. She has been a faculty member at Pittsburg State University since 1986. She teaches undergraduate courses in Marketing, Management and Business Statistics and a graduate course in Consumer Analytics. Her degrees include a BBA from Pittsburg State University and an MBA from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Her current research interests include marketing digital communications, sports marketing, and experiential learning in marketing education. She currently serves on the PSU Steering Committee for Higher Learning Commission Open Pathway Quality Initiative. She is also a member of the PSU Retention Performance Management team in affiliation with the Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. She is a past recipient of the PSU Outstanding Faculty Award, the Kelce College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award, and Who's Who Among America's Teachers.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Mary Wachter
Mary Wachter, MBA
Instructional Professor of Marketing

Phone: (620) 235-4535

Office: 223F Kelce Center

E-mail Mary Wachter