Mary Judene Nance has over 30 years of experience working with both public-sector and private-sector businesses. As a consultant beginning with the Business & Technology Institute (Pittsburg State University), Mary Judene, has worked with counties, communities and private-sector businesses across the Midwest. Her experience includes development and implementation of surveys (across all platforms), strategic plans (for counties, cities and private businesses), as well as experience in economic development activities (including financing, enterprise zones, CDBG grants, etc.). As a private consultant, Mary Judene has continued to build upon her experience and expertise and has completed research for numerous businesses and cities such as Lenexa, KS; Newton, KS; and Pittsburg, KS. She has served as a City Commissioner for the City of Pittsburg as well as on their Economic Development Advisory Committee. Mary Judene has also worked closely with SEK Inc., a 13-county regional alliance of business leaders.
Phone: (620) 235-4582
Office: 110E Kelce Center