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Kelce College of Business Accreditation

AACSB accreditation assures that Pitt State programs in the Kelce College of Business meet the profession's quality standards for which that program prepares graduates. See why accreditation matters


AACSB Accreditation

All degree programs in the Kelce College of Business are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). AACSB-accredited schools have the highest-quality faculty, deliver relevant and challenging curriculum, and provide educational and career opportunities that are not found at other business schools.

Learn why AACSB accreditation matters to students.

AACSB Accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide. Less than 5% of the more than 16,000 schools worldwide granting business degrees have earned AACSB Accreditation. AACSB-accredited schools produce graduates that are highly skilled and more desirable to employers than other non-accredited schools.

Performance Data

College Enrollment by Degree Program

Academic Term BBA Enrollment MBA Enrollment MPAcc Enrollment Total Enrollment
Fall 2018 809 97 2 908
Fall 2019 741 263 4 1,008
Fall 2020 679 360 5 1,044
Fall 2021 647 364 4 1,015
Fall 2022 622 293 9 924

Enrollment by Degree Program and Gender

Academic Term 
Undergraduate Enrollment
% Male
Undergraduate Enrollment
% Female
Graduate Enrollment
% Male
Graduate Enrollment
% Female
Total Enrollment
% Male
Total Enrollment
% Female
Fall 2018 63.5 36.5 57.6 42.4 62.9 37.1
Fall 2019 62.8 37.2 53.2 46.8 60.2 39.8
Fall 2020 62.7 37.3 54.0 46.0 59.7 40.3
Fall 2021 59.4 40.6 51.4 48.6 56.5 43.5
Fall 2022 60.9 39.1 52.0 39.1 58.0 42.0

College Enrollment by Degree Level and Minority Status

Minority defined as domestic African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Native Hawaiian, two or more races, and undeclared. International defined as non-resident alien.

Academic Term Undergraduate Enrollment
% Minority
Undergraduate Enrollment
% International 
Graduate Enrollment
% Minority
Graduate Enrollment
% International
Total Enrollment
% Minority
Total Enrollment
% International
Fall 2018 15.8 4.4 9.1 18.2 15.1 5.9
Fall 2019 18.2 3.1 12.4 4.1 16.7 3.4
Fall 2020 19.3 2.5 20.3 2.5 19.6 2.5
Fall 2021 17.8 2.5 19.8 3.0 18.5 2.7
Fall 2022 18.3 3.5 20.9 3.6 19.1 3.6

Degrees Awarded by Program

Academic Year
BBA Degrees
MBA Degrees
MPAcc Degrees
Total Degrees
149 4
203 4
196 9

*First year MPAcc degree offered.
** Preliminary count. 

BBA Four Year Retention/Graduation Rate

Admission Year
Number of Students Admitted to Kelce
Number of Admitted Students Graduated
Percent of Admitted Students Graduated
2012-13 297 240 81%
2013-14 205 171 83%
2014-15* 139 127 91%
2015-16 164 159 97%
2016-17* 333 296 89%
2017-18 276 241 87%

*Reflects significant change in Kelce College admissions standards.

Percent of Graduates Employed or Enrolled for Further Study

Department 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Accounting 95 100 81 100 100
Computer Information Systems 100 100 100 80 100
Business Economics 100 100 100 N/R N/R
Finance 88 94 100 91 100
International Business 75 100 67 100 67
Management 85 94 79 89 100
Marketing 100 100 76 78 91
BBA Average 92 98 86 90 93
MBA 96 95 96 97 92
MPAcc - - - 100 100

*Refer to for details on sampling methodology and definitions.
N/R = no report; small sample

Major Field Test (MFT) Scores by Program for Graduating Students

Year BBA percentage at or above 50th percentile MBA percentage at or above 50th percentile
Spring 2016 69% (n=109) 80% (n=20)
Spring 2017 58% (n=125) 50% (n=6)
Spring 2018 59% (n=117) 44% (n=16)

Spring 2019

n/r (n=0)* 50% (n=16)

Spring 2020

53% (n=88) 59% (n=17)

Spring 2021

50% (n=80) 38% (n=8)

Spring 2022

49% (n=88) 47% (n=17)

Spring 2023

45% (n=89) 48% (n=46)

*We were unable to administer the MFT for BBAs in 2019. n/r = no report

Program Objectives

Bachelor of Business Administration

  • Communication: Graduates will show proficiency in written communication.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Focus - The student’s purpose is clear. All parts of a writing assignment are clearly related to the main purpose. Thesis, topic sentences, and supporting statements are used effectively.
    • Development – The student’s evidence and reasoning are entirely appropriate to the intended audience and purpose, and, are richly developed.
    • Organization – The student’s sequence of ideas supports development of the writing assignment’s main idea; transitions and other features are used to reinforce organization.
    • Style – The student’s sentences are clear, effective, and coherent; vocabulary is broad. Tone, word choice, and syntax are appropriate for the writing assignment's audience and purpose.
    • Language Use and Mechanics – The student’s writing assignments are nearly free of errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and formatting.

  • Information Technology: Graduates will be able to use current technologies to explore, analyze, and solve business problems.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Students will analyze business data using data science tools.
    • Students will conduct IT system development.
    • Students will perform operations with business process management tools.

  • Critical Thinking: Graduates will be able to apply theories and methods to solve problems within their respective disciplines.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Students can translate the verbal statement of a problem into a linear programming statement.
    • Students can graph lines showing feasible area with linear programming and identify the optimal solution.
    • Students can interpret linear programming solution with computer output.
    • Students can make evidence-based decisions.

  • Teamwork: Graduates will be able to work collaboratively to produce professional deliverables.
    Sample Objective Criteria (Teamwork):
    • Student participates regularly and demonstrates preparedness in project activities.
    • Student fulfills his/her role/duties.
    • Student works cooperatively with other members of the group and volunteers willingly to help with tasks.
    • Student listens to the ideas of others, considers their viewpoints and offers constructive feedback and suggestions.
    • Student takes part in setting group goals and agendas.
    • Student invests sufficient time and focus to work required to produce quality results.
    • Student engages positively with group members.
    • Student uses good problem-solving strategies to complete a task.
  • Sample Objective Criteria (Professional Deliverables):
    • Student is able to present the project while making effective eye contact with the audience.
    • Student is able to stand up straight, and moves hands appropriately for emphasis.
    • Student's physical appearance and attire are appropriately professional.
    • Student uses a clear vocal tone and rhythm, so that all audience members can hear presentation.
    • Student pronounces mostly everything clearly and correctly.
    • Student uses visual aid showing effort. Visual aid improves overall presentation.
    • Student presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can easily follow.
    • Student demonstrates full knowledge and can answer and elaborate on most/all questions asked.
    • Student makes recommendations based upon adequate evidence, analysis, and reasonable conclusions.

Master of Business Administration

  • Goal 1: Our graduates will be effective communicators.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will be able to demonstrate effective writing skills.
    • Objective 2: Our graduates will be able to demonstrate effective oral communication skills.

  • Goal 2: Our graduates will be able to analyze factors that influence the organization.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will be able to understand the role of strategic analysis in business today.

  • Goal 3: Our graduates will have an understanding of effective leadership skills.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will understand how to effectively lead a team.

  • Goal 4: Our graduates will have an understanding of the following subjects:
    • Objective 1: Ethical responsibilities in organizations and society.
    • Objective 2: Legal responsibilities in organizations and society.
    • Objective 3: Financial theories, analysis, reporting and markets.
    • Objective 4: Creation of value through the integrated production and distribution of goods, services and information.
    • Objective 5: Quantitative business analysis as it supports decision-making processes.
    • Objective 6: Domestic and global economic environments.
    • Objective 7: Our students will have an understanding of how accounting controls may be integrated in a system of management controls.

Master of Professional Accountancy

Check back soon for updates.

Program Guide (PDF)

Rankings and Recognitions

The Princeton Review

Pittsburg State University is an outstanding business school, according to The Princeton Review. The New York-based education services company features the school in the 2024 edition of its "Best Business Schools". KCOB has recently been named to The Princeton Review Best Business Schools for 2024/On-Campus MBA Programs list.


Entrepreneur Magazine

The Gladys A. Kelce College of Business at Pittsburg State University was named one of the top business colleges in the nation by Entrepreneur Magazine, a leading publication for and about entrepreneurs. In its April issue, the magazine listed the MBA programs most highly rated by their students in six areas key to a successful career in business. 


Top 25 Forensic Accounting

In 2018, the Accounting Degree Review ranked the Kelce College #6 in the nation for programs offering degrees with forensic accounting. Accounting majors may choose to earn a minor in Fraud Examination. This innovative interdisciplinary minor is composed of a curriculum that is patterned after the requirements for the nationally recognized Certificate in Fraud Examination. Additionally, accounting students may choose to earn a minor or certificate in internal auditing. The college is one of only 50 schools worldwide offering a curriculum sanctioned by the Institute of Internal Auditors.

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