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Engineering Technology Programs Accreditation

ABET accreditation assures that Pitt State Engineering Technology programs meet the profession's quality standards for which that program prepares graduates. See accreditation criteria

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ABET Accredidation

The Engineering Technology major is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET.


ABET accreditation is a global standard ensuring STEM program quality, signaling graduates' readiness for key industries. For students, it opens doors to global job markets, financial aid, and professional licensure. Institutions benefit from insights gained through a voluntary and intensive accreditation process, reinforcing their commitment to excellence, best practices, and continuous improvement.

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Data, Objectives, and Outcomes

Engineering Technology at PSU

Enrollment and Graduation Data



The Pittsburg State University Engineering Technology Programs (Electronics, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Plastics) are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,  ABET accreditation provides assurance that college or university programs meet the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates.

Why ABET Accreditation Matters?

How ABET-accredited programs provide required minimum for professional recognition

Career Options

Learn more about careers in metalcasting.

Engineering vs Engineering Technology

This is a common question that many prospective students ask. To understand the difference and to help decide if PSU's Engineering Technology is a good choice for you, please read the PDF file below. The comparisons were taken in part from a brochure, "Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology, Which Path Will You Take", published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Changes have been made to apply the comparisons to undergraduate engineering programs and PSU Engineering Technology programs.

A Comparison of Engineering and Engineering Technology

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College of Technology

School of Automotive and Engineering Technology is part of the College of Technology at Pitt State.