2024-2025 Faculty Senate Membership
Faculty Senate President
Norman Philipp (School of Construction, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)
Past President
Rebeca Book (Engineering Technology, rbook@pittstate.edu, x. 4034)
College of Arts and Sciences
Art, Janet Lewis (2, jlewis@pittstate.edu, x. 4307)
Biology, Andrew George (2, adgeorge@pittstate.edu, x. 4030)
Chemistry, Irene Zegar (1, izegar@pittstate.edu, x. 4903)
Communication, Barth Cox (1, blcox@pittstate.edu, x. 6507)
English and Modern Languages, Janet Zepernick (1, jzepernick@pittstate.edu, x. 4340)
English and Modern Languages, Myriam Krepps, (2, mkrepps@pittstate.edu x. 4710)
History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Tim Bailey (1, tbailey@pittstate.edu, x. 4436)
History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jonathan Dresner (1, jdresner@pittstate.edu, x. 4315)
Mathematics, Scott Thuong (1, sthuong@pittstate.edu, x. 4429)
Military Science, Joseph Labuda (1, jlabuda@pittstate.edu, x. 4859)
Music, John Ross (1, jross@pittstate.edu, x. 4477)
Nursing, Ashleigh Heter (2, aheter@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
Nursing, Karen Johnson (2, kajohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 6187)
Physics, David Pearson (2, dwpearson@pittstate.edu, x. 4907)
Women’s Studies, Kyle Thompson (1, mkthompson@pittstate.edu, x.4318)
College of Business
Undergraduate, Kristen Maceli (2, kmaceli@pittstate.edu x. 4571)
Undergraduate, David Weaver (1, David weaver@pittstate.edu, x. 6045)
College of Education
Health, Physical Education & Recreation, David Boffey (2, aboffey@pittstate.edu, x. 4672)
Psychology and Counseling, Paige Boydston (1, paigeboydston@pittstate.edu, x. 4279)
Family and Consumer Sciences, Heather Carter (1, heather.carter@pittstate.edu x. 4459)
Teaching and Leadership, Marcus Daczewitz (2, mdaczewitz@pittstate.edu, x. 4393)
Teaching and Leadership, Ashley Shaw (2, ajshaw@pittstate.edu, x. 6104)
College of Technology
Automotive Technology, David Ferguson (1, dferguson@pittstate.edu, x. 4827)
Engineering Technology, Dan Maxwell (1, dmaxwell@pittstate.edu, x. 4374)
School of Construction, Chad Crain (1, ccrain@pittstate.edu, x. 4268)
Graphics and Imaging Technology, Jason Reid (2, jreid@pittstate.edu, x. 4417)
Technology and Workforce Learning, Jordan Backs (2, jbacks@pittstate.edu, x. 4024)
Division of Learning Resources -Library Services
Library Services, Beth Hendrickson (1, bhendrickson@pittstate.edu, x. 4355)
At-Large Members
Dennis Audo (1, School of Construction, daudo@pittstate.edu, x. 4360)
Michelle Barnaby (1, History, Philosophy, & Social Sciences, mbarnaby@pittstate.edu, x. 4323)
Denise Bertoncino (1, School of Construction, dbertoncino@pittstate.edu, x. 4458)
Rebeca Book (2, Engineering Technology, rbook@pittstate.edu, x. 4034)
Christine Brodsky (1, Biology, cbrodsky@pittstate.edu, x. 4947)
Kristi Frisbee (2, Nursing, kfrisbee@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
Mark Johnson (1, Technology & Workforce Learning, mjohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4628)
Erin Jordan (1, School of Construction, edjordan@pittstate.edu, x. 4824)
Jorge Leon (1, Library, jleon@pittstate.edu, x. 4892)
Barbara McClaskey (2, Nursing, bmcclaskey@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
Grant Moss (1, English & Modern Languages, gmoss@pittstate.edu, x. 4713)
Khamis Siam (1, Chemistry, ksiam@pittstate.edu, x. 4754)
Recording Secretary
Melinda Roelfs, (Registrar, mroelfs@pittstate.edu, x. 4205)