English and Modern Languages

English & Modern Languages

The Department of English and Modern Languages offers baccalaureate degrees and a master’s degree program. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) programs are offered in English and in Modern Languages. A master’s program is also offered in English. The department offers minors in English, English Teaching, Creative Writing, French, Professional Writing, and Spanish.

Spring 2025 Course Descriptions (English)

Student Activities

Sigma Tau Delta-color

Sigma Tau Delta is an English honor society established in 1924 to confer distinction for high achievement in English language, literature, and writing. Our chapter is distinguished as the Sigma Alpha Chapter. Registered members must meet the requirements established by the National Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society.

The English club allows all students to work jointly with the local chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. The members of both organizations attend the same meetings and participate in the same activities. Sigma Tau Delta and the English Club host receptions for the initiation of new members, events on Shakespeare's birthday, student/faculty dinners, sponsorship of scholarly speakers, and annual trips to Sigma Tau Delta conferences. 

To join the Sigma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, read more about the application process. 

Find out more about current news and events on Pitt State's Sigma Tau Delta/English Club Facebook Page.

The Cow Creek Review cover

Cow Creek Review is our student literary and arts magazine. Published every spring semester, Cow Creek features poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, and visual art by students. Student editors and staff work throughout the year to review submissions, select work to publish, determine layout and design, and prepare the magazine for printing. The student volunteer staff also helps with publicity, fundraising, and planning for a publication party that takes place each spring. All students may submit work to be considered for publication in Cow Creek. Copies of the magazine are available for free at select locations in Grubbs Hall, Overman Student Center, Whitesitt Hall, and Porter Hall. For more information about Cow Creek, please contact faculty advisors Lori Martin and Dr. Chase Dearinger.

Guidelines and submission forms are available in the English Department on the 4th floor of Grubbs Hall. 

Find out more about current news and events on the Cow Creek Review Facebook page.

blank pages

The Blank Page is the university’s student writers club. All students may join to help improve their writing. Students review one another’s work in a friendly environment, so they can submit for publication in the student literary magazine, Cow Creek Review. For more information about The Blank Page, please contact faculty advisor Lori Martin.

Endnotes Newsletter

Student Stories, Awards, Scholarships and More.

English Program picture

The English Program consists of the following:

Languages Program picture

The Modern Languages Program offers a thorough program of study oriented to the individual. Active and interested faculty members work closely with students to focus on areas of interest in French and Spanish. Faculty members have studied, conducted research, or resided in countries where those languages are spoken.

The Modern Languages Program consists of the following:

Native Speakers

Native speakers are encouraged to take courses in French or Spanish. Students who graduated from high school in a French- or Spanish-speaking country may fulfill coursework for a major in modern languages by completing 15 hours of upper-division courses in the native language, French or Spanish. Native speakers of any language taught in the department are not allowed to enroll in lower-division courses in that language. Consult with the chairperson of the department or the Modern Languages Program coordinator. Guidelines for a Major for Native Speakers of French or Spanish (PDF)

Lecture Series, Visiting Writers, and Events

The Department of English and Modern Languages annually hosts and acknowledges writers across the country. The Distinguished Visiting Writers Series brings prominent writers to campus for readings, class discussions, and conversation. Each year the winner of the Victor J. Emmett Memorial Prize is invited to campus to receive the prize and present a scholarly lecture. 

Distinguished Visiting Writer Series
Victor J. Emmett, Jr., Memorial Lectures
Helpful Gorilla Links

Contact Information

Chair: Dr. Troy Comeau
Contact: Shannon Spear

English and Modern Languages Department
311 Grubbs Hall
Pittsburg State University
1701 S Broadway St
Pittsburg, KS 66762

Phone 620-235-4689
Fax 620-235-4686

Contact Us